Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[生活玩樂本] UBC Clam Beach Day

This was our first time to dig out the clam from the beach at UBC. We never done it before and it was fun in every way. Before we went to the beach, we stopped at the famous breakfast place (forgot the name again, sorry). It was not bad and pretty healthy for breakfast. We were the only Asian group in there, so you know what that mean (Peter will go there again and again) haa haa

After the healthy and full breakfast, we went to the beach around 11am or 11:30am. There were lot of the people but not crazy. The weather was super nice and we put sunscreen on every part of body. (bad experience with sunburn)

At first we only dig out some of the clam so we walked further down and found nothing for awhile. Suddenly Abi stopped at one spot and start to dig. After few mins, she yelled out and told us this was the right spot to dig. We went in there and dig like crazy, and Abi was right on target. There were lot of clams under the dirty sand.

At the end we had 50+ clams in total, and we had lot of fun that day. Sorry for the few pictures, I was too enjoy the fun and forgot to take some of the pictures. I bet Ben has lot more on his camera. We have to go back there and try it again sometimes!!!

Click for the video


Hanky_boy said...

damn~~~ i miss you guys like crazy~~~~

clear sky, beautiful beach, and bunch of 白爛 3box boyz...

these pics miss something...

I should be in those pics~~~
jealous~~~ ><

I miss vancouver...

McBenz said...

When you come, we can go dig for clams again.

It's actually not toxic, haha.