Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[生活玩樂本] Science World - Lego Theme

好久不見啦各位. 小弟我最近很懶所以沒update我的blog. 見諒見諒!

很久都沒有去過Science World了. 一直以來最引以為傲就是所有的puzzle game都被我破解了,但是我因為太久沒有玩那些puzzle game. 結果慘不忍睹~~~ 根本都忘了該怎麼玩了. 還好沒事先說我很利害不然就糗大了. Peter 到是很努力的想要把其中一個game給破了但是怎麼弄就是沒有辦法. 最後我們帶著失望的心情踏出了 Science World. 結束了動腦的一天!!

Yes, there is also Lego Theme at the Science World. But it's not as great as before, so I don't wanna talk more about it =P haa haa.

We also watched the Roving Mars Movie too. It was so amazing that we can send the robot to Mars. Sounds easy but it was really hard.

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