Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[生活玩樂本] Tennis is FUN!!!

Hi guys,

Finally we played tennis last weekend. It was fun after all, we have to play more and more. Maybe I'll just ditch badminton for couple months and play tennis with Peter. Too bad I don't live in Burnaby anymore, if not I will go play tennis with you everyday after dinner or something. You never know maybe I'll do that. haa haa Hope everyone enjoyed tennis last weekend


aBi said...

I think u guys play pretty well, no prob hitting the ball.^^ ya..we should do it more often, coze i think tennis makes Ben MOVE more than badminton! haha....

my sis was so excited when i told her u guys start to play tennis!!! she couldn't find ppl that actually wanna play regularly~ Now there r u guys!! =)

Hanky_boy said...



I know it's unrelated but

happy birhday~~~
