Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[生活玩樂本] Stanley Parking - Bicycle day

It was a beautiful day to ride the bicycle at our lovely Stanley Park. The weather was a little bit chill, even there was lot of sunshine. So we were pretty normal to wear "Jacket" on that day. It was a fun day for sure, we didn't want to stay home and play video game again. Haa haa~~

After the ride we went for the new ramen place. It was pretty good and no line up. I hate lineup for food, just make more room or eat FASTER~~~~ hee hee I don't know the place's name, so someone needs to fill out that infomation under comment area. So other ppl can go try try next time too. (No outsider read my blog anyway =P)



Hey it's nice that you start updating again!
Ramen looks really nice. I miss Vancouver food.

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Vancouver is fun... need to go out more! wa ha ha ha