Monday, July 27, 2009

[生活記事本] 爆點?!?!~

不是股票升到爆點, 也不是胸部太大爆點. 那是什麼東西讓我覺得爆點?

那就是天氣熱到爆點啦!!!!!!!! 這是什麼鳥天氣, 熱個屁呀~~~~ 是要破記錄才高興是不是呀!!! 你給我安分點, 聽到沒有~~~~~

熱到火都上來了!!! 看來要去游泳去了. 哈哈

Sunday, June 21, 2009

[生活記事本] Subaru Impreza - THE INFORMECIAL -

Hey guys, check this video out!!! It's so cool but I believe I spam you with the msn message about this video already. But check it anyway =)
Maybe new Subaru Impreza is other choice for the future car as well. haa haa

Thursday, June 11, 2009

[生活玩樂本] Bocce Game

Hi guys, I won something from the work. It's something I wanna try before, and now we can try to play as well. It's just like a "Curling" whoever closer to the white ball will get more point. It can play on grass and beach. So let's GO~~~ haa haa

Friday, June 05, 2009

[生活記事本] 2009 生日快樂 John!!!

Yo!! It's a happy day for all of us. Well I think it's just me! Thank you all for coming.


Willy (you didn't even wear shirt!!!)


For the rest of the 3 Buddies, I'll take picture when you visit us next month. We went to
Joey's Tomato for dinner. It was lot of people there that night. I believe there were couple
birthday party and grad dinner. We had lot of fun and food was not bad. You can see it in
the slideshow pictures. After the dinner, we've a special guests that perform on my birthday
cake dinner. Thank you so much Peter!! hee hee =)

The cake was cool as well, it looked just like the display model. Haa haa Thank you Abi for
the nice looking cake. It tasted a little bit dry at the inside but overall it was pretty good.

Click for Video (Thanks for two lovely Guests)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[生活玩樂本] Tennis is FUN!!!

Hi guys,

Finally we played tennis last weekend. It was fun after all, we have to play more and more. Maybe I'll just ditch badminton for couple months and play tennis with Peter. Too bad I don't live in Burnaby anymore, if not I will go play tennis with you everyday after dinner or something. You never know maybe I'll do that. haa haa Hope everyone enjoyed tennis last weekend

[生活玩樂本] UBC Clam Beach Day

This was our first time to dig out the clam from the beach at UBC. We never done it before and it was fun in every way. Before we went to the beach, we stopped at the famous breakfast place (forgot the name again, sorry). It was not bad and pretty healthy for breakfast. We were the only Asian group in there, so you know what that mean (Peter will go there again and again) haa haa

After the healthy and full breakfast, we went to the beach around 11am or 11:30am. There were lot of the people but not crazy. The weather was super nice and we put sunscreen on every part of body. (bad experience with sunburn)

At first we only dig out some of the clam so we walked further down and found nothing for awhile. Suddenly Abi stopped at one spot and start to dig. After few mins, she yelled out and told us this was the right spot to dig. We went in there and dig like crazy, and Abi was right on target. There were lot of clams under the dirty sand.

At the end we had 50+ clams in total, and we had lot of fun that day. Sorry for the few pictures, I was too enjoy the fun and forgot to take some of the pictures. I bet Ben has lot more on his camera. We have to go back there and try it again sometimes!!!

Click for the video

[生活玩樂本] Stanley Parking - Bicycle day

It was a beautiful day to ride the bicycle at our lovely Stanley Park. The weather was a little bit chill, even there was lot of sunshine. So we were pretty normal to wear "Jacket" on that day. It was a fun day for sure, we didn't want to stay home and play video game again. Haa haa~~

After the ride we went for the new ramen place. It was pretty good and no line up. I hate lineup for food, just make more room or eat FASTER~~~~ hee hee I don't know the place's name, so someone needs to fill out that infomation under comment area. So other ppl can go try try next time too. (No outsider read my blog anyway =P)

[生活玩樂本] Science World - Lego Theme

好久不見啦各位. 小弟我最近很懶所以沒update我的blog. 見諒見諒!

很久都沒有去過Science World了. 一直以來最引以為傲就是所有的puzzle game都被我破解了,但是我因為太久沒有玩那些puzzle game. 結果慘不忍睹~~~ 根本都忘了該怎麼玩了. 還好沒事先說我很利害不然就糗大了. Peter 到是很努力的想要把其中一個game給破了但是怎麼弄就是沒有辦法. 最後我們帶著失望的心情踏出了 Science World. 結束了動腦的一天!!

Yes, there is also Lego Theme at the Science World. But it's not as great as before, so I don't wanna talk more about it =P haa haa.

We also watched the Roving Mars Movie too. It was so amazing that we can send the robot to Mars. Sounds easy but it was really hard.

Monday, May 25, 2009

[生活記事本] Shopping Cart???

Yo yo!!! 

Looks like I haven't been to Save on Food for some time. I went there for some sale items and I need shopping cart to carry those items.  But I had $10 dollars in the wallet only, so I went in and bought the Lottery ticket to make some changes. 

So I walked out there with Loonie on my hand and toward the shopping cart. Guess WHAT!! They only accept 25 cents.  Then I went in again to change the Loonie.  And the customer service lady was laugh at me "it was 25 cents long time ago".  

Please check the shopping cart slot price before you ask to break your bill. =)

[生活記事本] 牙痛~

牙痛不是病, 痛起來要人命.

星期六吃完還好的茶餐廳. 回家的途中就有一點在痛. 小弟我就是不太照顧我的牙齒結果就有了蛀牙. 回家候就想說洗個澡然後刷牙後應該就會沒事了. 結果痛的更多, 痛到整個半邊臉. 我想我應該可以忍的住然後睡一覺就好了. No~~~~~ I was super wrong. 

痛到我想要撞一千下的牆!!! 還好止痛藥to the rescue, 不然我隔天應該會待在家休養(就是繼續撞牆啦) 

看來我要去看討厭的牙醫了. Sigh.....

Friday, March 13, 2009

[生活記事本] Happy Birthday Peter 2009 !!!

Happy Birthday to Peter

We had fun night with Peter and his Mom (just during the cake time). We finally played the RE5 together and it was fun and we played for super long time. Well worth of rental money anyway!!!

The cake is so pretty and taste so good. All thanks to Abi and Ben help. Maybe from now on you two will take care of Cake area for all 3 box boy Birthday Cakes. Hee Hee!!!!

Please check out the video clip at the end. Let me know if you don't want to put the video clip on the blog, then I'll take it down.

Enjoy it

Click for the video