Saturday, January 31, 2009

[生活記事本] Happy Birthday Ben !!!

Happy Birthday to Ben! This year was kind of special, do you know why? Coz we didn't even play any console game. This is a good start for the new year! And for my birthday, please DON'T DO IT! haa haa Just kidding.

It was a wonderful night and we had new "old" girl in our dinner event. We had lovely Cake (Thank you Abi) & we had fake X'mas tree (Pointing Diane). We just sat down and chat for the whole night and I spent extra time with Peter (that doesn't sound right) I finally watched the whole tennis game, crazy 5 hours!!!!!! Err..... but it was a very good game to watch!!!

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Ben again and next one will be Peter/Hank right? hee hee


McBenz said...

咳咳....what? who? new "old" girl?? who is that? can u clearify that plzzz~

i'm watching u!!! 'n u know who i am....hehe...

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

What? You don't know??? It's starting with "D" or it's "D" girl =P
laugh heehee

McBenz said...

so fake.

Hanky_boy said...

cough cough~~~ the "D" girl is the new "old" girl?

what does that mean?

I felt I was present at that party~~~

and.... u guys just sat there and talked the whole night~~~ what happened? turning gay~~~? (i'm sure the conversation is not about work or stock market stuff)...

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Hank! Don't fake it! You know what I'm talking about! hee hee!

We're not turning gay. We're not gay material at ALL. We don't even care about our skin that much. Oh well, hopefully Peter's birthday party will be as fun as Ben's BD.