Saturday, February 14, 2009

[生活小吃館] Granville Island "Go Fish"

Hello, Thank you for Special Valentine day trip. And finally I got to eat the famous Fish & Chip near Granville Island. It's very lovely and taste good. I'll go there more for sure (maybe with girl or girlfriend or 2 other lonely guys) hee hee

PS. Last two pictures were new Nissan GT-R. It's so beautiful~~~


Hanky_boy said...

wow~~~ 還好有看到abi,

at least there's 1 girl...

McBenz said...

can I came too?


We can all go this summer, with Hank, Peter, Ken, me, and Willy.


JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Of coz you can come as well~ During the summer time we can check out hot girls with nothing but bikini. hee hee