Saturday, February 21, 2009

[生活美麗記事本] 保養不在是女人的專利

Yes, 你沒有聽錯. 男人也愛美!看來女人的日子越來越不好當了, 男人越來越會煮飯也越來越會保養自己. 那不用說當然皮膚也比女人好啦!!!! 哈哈. 爽~~~~~
但是我才剛剛開始保養呢, 真是丟臉. 前面還寫的那麼多!

我本來有用某牌的來洗臉, 但是每次洗完都是超級乾的. 用了乳乙還是一樣的乾. 那很多人都介紹用Biotherm的 skin care for men. 所以我就跑去 Shoppers Drug Mart 去大血拼一翻, 剛好這個weekend有 on-sale. 我買了這兩罐來用

那另外因為最近眼睛四周都紅紅的, 所以她就建議我先repair一下我眼睛的皮膚. 我就買了這個eye cream, 還滿特別的因為它們們是用 Thermal Spring Water 比較不會刺激皮膚吧. 反正我都說要血拼了當然買好一點的啦, 結果也是 on-sale 歐. 才$17.xx 而已 pretty cheap!!! The other one 是小姐送的 After-Save Balm sample ( it's water base not cream base) Also pretty good.

I'll keep it update and let you guys know how it will turn out at the end. So far I just put on for one day and no burning feeling around my eyes area. ^.^ Good Stuffs!!


aBi said...

哇哈哈~ JP的美麗日記耶!!!
那個小姐介紹給你的Avene就是我之前也跟你說過的牌子!! I'm using it,too! Good deal w/ good results.

加油, u r ahead of the game now!! hehe...
ps."乳乙"聽起來很怪~ haha

McBenz said...

sleep early and exercise regularly.

that's the secret.

or go to spa every week?

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Abi, I cannot find that word in Chinese. Dunno why!

Ben, I'm not that rich... Cannot go to spa every week.

aBi said...

i wanna go to Spa every week, Ben! =P

沒有乳"液"這個字?? 是四聲喔~
'n don't listen to Ben, he has some flaky dry spots on his face, too. 我都有在他臉上塗精華液'n乳液. 是之前跟你去shoppers買的,很有效喔!!

i'm such a lazy ass at 保養 regularly. 等哪天你想敷面膜的時候, 一起來吧!! =P