Wednesday, September 21, 2005

可愛的 ipod nano

今天帶著我興奮的心情往MAC Computer store 去買 ipod nano. 我花了好多天的時間在打電話給一間又一間的店. 沒想到所有的店就只有賣2GB 的. 但是我的運氣還不錯﹐今天給我找到有賣4GB 而且還有貨的. 二話不說馬上開去買, 付了錢拿了ipod nano出店門. 我就只有兩個字出現在我腦海裡 "好小“ (這兩個字好像對男人們有不好的印象 =P) anyway!! 這是case的照片.


我覺得ipod真是不錯得一台mp3 player呢. 可能你會覺得我為什麼不買大空間的ipod. 可能我想要小小一台然後又可以放在車上聽. 然後nano又是用flash memory, 所以不會有skip的問題. 到目前為止我還滿滿意的(第一台mp3 player). 如果有什麼問題我會放上來給大家知道的. 最後當然少不了要超級比一比. 看看ipod nano到底有多小. PS. 給我的ipod nano 取個名字吧! ("小白"有copyright了,所以想其他的吧!!)


t0ny said...

Easy.. just call it "Nanny".

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Why "Nanny"?

any reason?!

McBenz said...

Add oil ya,
first time see you write so much. haha

t0ny said...

haha... that's how I named my techy stuff... Digital camera, "Digi"~~ Then Nano.. of course Nanny.. heh heh

On a second thought, maybe writing this isn't such a good idea as far as my manly reputation is concerned... *cough*

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Your name make perfect sense!

Digital Camera = Digi
Nano = Nanny
Tony = Tony or Tonny


cookiss said...

How's the battery life?

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Well, I haven't really test it~

But I think it's pretty good =)