Monday, September 26, 2005

Woohoo~ Ben got JOB~~

恭喜呀~~~ 我知道這可能不是你想要的工作, 但是先存一點錢. 這樣就可以買 xbox 360 給我們玩啦!!!

But good luck with job =)


McBenz said...

Keep an eye out for me if you got civil related jobs.

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

not a problem~~~

earn more earn more!!!!

let me know if any ipod stuffs on sale =P

t0ny said...

I heard my company can get the new Xbox in advance.. but dunno if it's any cheaper = = $470 something?

t0ny said...

Ah forgot.. congrats Ben! Now you are officially on the giving red bag list...

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

that's good news for Ben~ Ben you can pre-order from Tony's company
