Saturday, November 29, 2008

[生活記事本] 生日快樂 Willy!!!

Happy Birthday to our youngest Brother. WILLY!!!!!!

I just found out that I can upload Video too! Let's vote!! If you want me to upload Video on the blog, please raise your....Hand/Leg/Hair??? laugh

Anyway, Happy Birthday man ^_^



Willy you drunken red face!!! XD
Ohh the cake looks delicious!

I wanna see the video! *raising hand*


John 你變好瘦!!!!!
How did you do it?

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

I'm not slim enough ya >_< Help ME!!!!! I am still FAT! ><

maybe I'm eating healthy... i think. haha

Hanky_boy said...

haha... for sure i'll miss all willy's birthday every year from now on