Sunday, February 12, 2006

好玩的 Webcam

昨天被Peter的webcam嚇到. 超級好的webcam 銀幕解析度. 馬上隔天就跑去買來用用. 真的比我之前用的好上好多倍. 如果有人要買的話,就趕快去futureshop吧﹗﹗﹗

Hopefully to see you guys all online with video =)

Take care


cookiss said...

lets try lets try ^^

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Sure! We can try it sometimes =)

t0ny said...

Webcams, 頭樣 Long D 必需品... 呵 John 怎麼啦, 卡羅才一個月不在你就凍沒屌了..

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Haha... =)