Saturday, February 19, 2005

No Internet for ME >_<

Dear Friends,

Stupid damn Shaw cut my internet off for 7 days. I cannot use the internet until next Sat. I'm so upset of all this. The internet is support to let ppl download and share stuffs. hehe :p

Anyway, I'm going to Telus internet now. Screw you *Beep* hehe......well....but not until next Wed. Well, wish I can win 6/49 or Super 7. I'll get my own T1 line. wa ha ha....

Then I'll be very happy about it :) Download everything I want! wa ha ha ha...happy happy! But just a dream lor.

Take care o! by the way WoW here i COME!!!


t0ny said...

during the time you will be gone..
always remember one thing...

we won't miss you ^"^
now go get ur behind kicked in WoW~~~~~~~

McBenz said...

Switch to Telus lah,

I am running out of HD space.

McBenz said...

you need to update your Blog, man

McBenz said...

Still no update?

cookiss said...

anybody home?

tried to send a mail to ur immpreza shaw account....guess u changed it too cuz u changed your car...@@