Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all :)

It's a great new year~ so keep it up! update your blog :D



McBenz said...

Happy New Year

cookiss said...

Happy New Year~
But Japan doesn't have any celebrations @@ lots of Valentines decorations everywhere but nothing about chinese new year...T_T

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

haha !! very weird....Japan

So how are you gonna celerbrate your Valentine's day?!
just yourself? or go out and eat?!


t0ny said...

123 跟我一起喊~
1, 2, 3,


happy valentine's day!

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Wow~~~ new post comment system! nice work blogger!

Anyway, Tony you can join Willy's group from now on! haha.....Lonely guy club :) Pretty nice anyway

Enjoy it

Take care