Saturday, January 15, 2005

GT4 Games

AH~~~~~ I've to bring my PS2 to the store to check it, see if i can play Gt4 or not~ oh man~ That's not fair after all. I'm waitting for this game for so long!! Okie ppl~ that's it, i'm setting up a donation paypal account, please donate money to me. So I can buy a new ps2 to play GT4 game.

Come on people, don't be shy :p



JP - Meow ^-^ said...

new update on this topic!

I can finally play GT4 game on my PS2~ I'm too lucky! wa ha ha ha! Bill, go mod your ps2 then you can enjoy the GT4. hehe :p

It's way better than any of xbox racing game. hehe :)
eat that xbox~

t0ny said...

Just watched Dodgeball and Kung Fu Hustle again on my XBOX.. eat that PS2!

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

Haha, sucka Tony! I don't mind that~ I can watch it with my home system~ better than xbox~ haha...sucka
wa ha ha ha

t0ny said...

So what your home system beats Xbox, my home system is better than yours! Sucka~

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

fine fine!!! i'll let you go this time! coz my system is better than you! haha

anyway~ you cannot play gt4 on your xbox~~

t0ny said...

so... you cannot watch movie files on your ps2, sucka...
this is going into a loop, man = =