Thursday, December 15, 2005

X'mas is coming to town

Any gift for your love one? family? friends?

Enjoy the time of X'mas season!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

我 VS. 腹肌

有沒有人知道腹肌怎麼練呀﹖做了一個月半的仰臥起坐。 有好一點啦﹐但是還是沒有什麼效果。 可能要問一下Peter or Hank.

Give me some advices !!!!


Oct. 18, 2005
唉~ 最近想要敗一台DSLR. 都不知道到底要買Canon好﹐還是Nikon的好。真是傷腦筋呀﹗﹗快呀~ 錢從天上掉下來呀。。。 這樣我就可以兩台都買。

嘻嘻 =)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tony is BACK tonite

For those who doesn't care about Tony's life. Listen UP!!

He is Back, let's go beat him up!!!! woohoo~~~~

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Air Condition for new car?

Hi~ It's me again =P

Today we're talking about Air Condition(A/C). Why? Because my co-worker will not add A/C on his new car. And I tried to explain good things about A/C, but he still doesn't want to add A/C to his new car. I know I know~ it's not my problem and not my money! But he is willing to pay lower spring($500). So the car has ABS, Fog Light, Sport Seat, Side Skirt. The package is including "A/C, Power Windows, Keyless entry" for $1,400 CDN.

The question is, will you buy new car without A/C, Power Windows? (Keyless entry is kidda aftermarket stuff)
If you're his gf, will you accept that? =P

Just want some opinions!!! =)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

New Toyota Yaris

Hi All again!! I'm posting this because my co-worker wanna know which colour is the best for this car and please consider this is his first car. Also he wants to impress his girl =P

Anyway, let's vote~~~~

Blazing Blue
Dark Blue
Silver Mica
Yaris - White

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Harry Potter - The Goblet Of Fire

Hey all, the new Harry Potter new movie is coming out November 18, 2005!! Does Anyone wanna go? It's gotta be great =)

Official Website

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Heavy Rain Fall Warning

Yo!!! It's raining very hard today!
Everyone becareful out there!!

Take some extra time to go home!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Woohoo~ Ben got JOB~~

恭喜呀~~~ 我知道這可能不是你想要的工作, 但是先存一點錢. 這樣就可以買 xbox 360 給我們玩啦!!!

But good luck with job =)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

可愛的 ipod nano

今天帶著我興奮的心情往MAC Computer store 去買 ipod nano. 我花了好多天的時間在打電話給一間又一間的店. 沒想到所有的店就只有賣2GB 的. 但是我的運氣還不錯﹐今天給我找到有賣4GB 而且還有貨的. 二話不說馬上開去買, 付了錢拿了ipod nano出店門. 我就只有兩個字出現在我腦海裡 "好小“ (這兩個字好像對男人們有不好的印象 =P) anyway!! 這是case的照片.


我覺得ipod真是不錯得一台mp3 player呢. 可能你會覺得我為什麼不買大空間的ipod. 可能我想要小小一台然後又可以放在車上聽. 然後nano又是用flash memory, 所以不會有skip的問題. 到目前為止我還滿滿意的(第一台mp3 player). 如果有什麼問題我會放上來給大家知道的. 最後當然少不了要超級比一比. 看看ipod nano到底有多小. PS. 給我的ipod nano 取個名字吧! ("小白"有copyright了,所以想其他的吧!!)

Thursday, August 18, 2005



Wow~~~ we really need to take care our mouse :)
Like a cat or something....

Monday, August 15, 2005

Believe or NOT, Here I am

Yo everyone! Today is Aug 15, 2005. I didn't touch this blog for super long time, as you can see from the last topic date. Anyway I just wanna say that I had great time with my buddy last Sunday. We had lot of fun over Winning Eleven 9 and nice dinner! I like to watch Peter and Ben trash talk with each other. Pretty cool~

And Hank is still the same as before, still picky about food and women. That's not the bad thing. But anyway, welcome back to my blog.

PS. I should record the trash talk, when Peter and Ben are at the same team. You'll laugh your ass off ~~~~

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

World of Warcraft

I haven't update my blog site for super long time! As you can see from it. Well, recently I play WoW with Willy, Ken, and Willy's friends. It's a very fun game to play! You can learn lot of english words in there for sure! haha....

Also you can meet lot of ppl around the world and talk to them & share stuffs. The players in this game are pretty nice to me, well coz i don't usually talk on there!

Anyway, just wanna say hi and asking ppl to play this game!
wa ha ha ha

Take care

Saturday, February 19, 2005

No Internet for ME >_<

Dear Friends,

Stupid damn Shaw cut my internet off for 7 days. I cannot use the internet until next Sat. I'm so upset of all this. The internet is support to let ppl download and share stuffs. hehe :p

Anyway, I'm going to Telus internet now. Screw you *Beep* hehe......well....but not until next Wed. Well, wish I can win 6/49 or Super 7. I'll get my own T1 line. wa ha ha....

Then I'll be very happy about it :) Download everything I want! wa ha ha ha...happy happy! But just a dream lor.

Take care o! by the way WoW here i COME!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Yo!!! Happy Valentine's Day to anyone :)

Doesn't matter you are single or with love half~ Enjoy yourself today. There are lot of things for single ppl. Don't ask me "how", just "google" it. And I've someone with me already la! so good luck T**y & W***y & ***k & CAN (oops).

:) hehe

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all :)

It's a great new year~ so keep it up! update your blog :D


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Happy Birthday McBenz

Sorry dude!! I missed your birthday party! I cannot go with you guys, coz i got the bad flu or cold I didn't want to screw you guys! so....I rather stay home and drink soup ALONE >_<

You guys didn't post anything on your blog about the birthday party! Well~ without me, you guys cannot do anything.. wa ha ha ha. I'm too important~ I'm the core of the group! wa ha ha ha.....sorry Fever might be the problem here! hehe :p But anyway Happy Birthday Ben, let's go eat sometimes! DON'T SKIP other BADMINTON again!!! ha ha... you're NOT Willy~~~~ He is the lazy ass in our group. hehe :p

Saturday, January 29, 2005


What a nice little phone program! I just got it installed. I'm looking forward to test it :) I believed that I tested with Tony 1 year ago. Quite nice sound and connection! very well!


Hopefully I can talk with "OLD HEAD" soon :)


Friday, January 21, 2005

Top 10 Coldest Jokes

Top 10 Coldest Jokes

What do you guys think?! The #1 is really funny :)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

GT4 Games

AH~~~~~ I've to bring my PS2 to the store to check it, see if i can play Gt4 or not~ oh man~ That's not fair after all. I'm waitting for this game for so long!! Okie ppl~ that's it, i'm setting up a donation paypal account, please donate money to me. So I can buy a new ps2 to play GT4 game.

Come on people, don't be shy :p


Monday, January 03, 2005

Movie Name "Taiwan VS China"

兩岸電影譯名不同的還有在台灣票房嚇嚇叫的《不可能的任務》(Mission Impossible),大陸譯為《諜中諜》;聲勢浩大的《魔戒》,大陸則從原文直議為 "指環王"

兩岸分隔了五十多年,社會發展程度與思考方式的不同,翻譯上出現差異原本無可厚非,但往往卻因政治分歧而遭誇大渲染。早年「Top Gun」《捍衛戰士》,據傳大陸翻為《好大一把槍》,但其實是翻《壯志凌雲》;而近來網路上盛傳一則笑話,指大陸將「A Bug’s Life」《蟲蟲危機》翻譯為《無產階級貧下中農螞蟻革命史》、《海底總動員》翻成《海底都是魚》、「Catch me if you can」《神鬼交鋒》翻譯成《來抓我呀,如果你可以》,還註明要大家看了「別笑太大聲,以免影響兩岸關係」,

Happy New Year!!!! ~~~~

Happy New Year to everyone here! :)

Spent lot of time with my friends lately! Which is good thing. Finally I played WE game with Peter and Hank & Ben (who is missing? oh yeah..sucky Willy) I can tell you guys this! "I AM STILL THE BEST"
wa ha ha ha

Anyway, any new year wish?? let's hear it~~ Don't be shy!!! :)