Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Am I boring?! I THINK SO! :)

Yo Everyone!

Somehow I want to start this blog business. Haha~~ Well, I cannot get any money from it but I can get all your "mind" here! wa ha ha ha!

Enjoy your stay! :)




t0ny said...

笨 Meow~
別無聊啦... thanks for nothing!!!
You have to come to pass my GT license test again!!

JP - Meow ^-^ said...

GT Test? no way man~~~ YOU SUCK BIG TIME!

Thx Enol for the post! you're the true friend! :p

laugh!!!! For those who doesn't post, SCREW YOU!!! hehe

McBenz said...

Add Oil

JP - Meow ^-^ said...


You call that a "comment"? damn it~~~~ write more! laugh! :)

cookiss said...

So this blog thing is what's "IN" these days? Oh man...I'm getting old...maybe I should start my blog too since i have signed up already...@@
maybe i should post about Japan...hmmm...what do you think? ^_^