Monday, May 25, 2009

[生活記事本] Shopping Cart???

Yo yo!!! 

Looks like I haven't been to Save on Food for some time. I went there for some sale items and I need shopping cart to carry those items.  But I had $10 dollars in the wallet only, so I went in and bought the Lottery ticket to make some changes. 

So I walked out there with Loonie on my hand and toward the shopping cart. Guess WHAT!! They only accept 25 cents.  Then I went in again to change the Loonie.  And the customer service lady was laugh at me "it was 25 cents long time ago".  

Please check the shopping cart slot price before you ask to break your bill. =)

[生活記事本] 牙痛~

牙痛不是病, 痛起來要人命.

星期六吃完還好的茶餐廳. 回家的途中就有一點在痛. 小弟我就是不太照顧我的牙齒結果就有了蛀牙. 回家候就想說洗個澡然後刷牙後應該就會沒事了. 結果痛的更多, 痛到整個半邊臉. 我想我應該可以忍的住然後睡一覺就好了. No~~~~~ I was super wrong. 

痛到我想要撞一千下的牆!!! 還好止痛藥to the rescue, 不然我隔天應該會待在家休養(就是繼續撞牆啦) 

看來我要去看討厭的牙醫了. Sigh.....