Thursday, February 23, 2006


好可憐歐~ 我家的垃圾桶沒有它的另一半保護它了。 今天回到家時發現垃圾桶飛到一旁﹐因為今天的風真的很大。結果垃圾桶的蓋子飛不見了。找了5分鐘還是找不到﹐因為是晚上也看不清楚只好放棄了。


說真的﹐哪裡有在賣垃圾桶的蓋子呀﹖ 如果有人知道的話﹐就快告訴我吧﹗﹗﹗

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lovely Canada Place

Just want to show some pictures of Canada Place I took early in Feb. It was raining outside so I've to take picture from inside the car =)

好玩的 Webcam

昨天被Peter的webcam嚇到. 超級好的webcam 銀幕解析度. 馬上隔天就跑去買來用用. 真的比我之前用的好上好多倍. 如果有人要買的話,就趕快去futureshop吧﹗﹗﹗

Hopefully to see you guys all online with video =)

Take care

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Birthday ~ Ben

Yo~ Happy Birthday Ben!!! We had fun for dinner and after party~ haha!! I'll post some pics here. If you've flickr account or yahoo email, let me know~ So I can invite you to my list then you can view all the pics of that nite =)

Anyway, 1 year older now~~ Any future plan? earn more money? buy new car? or....hehe something to do with "Eno"? laugh!!!!

I just want to say "Happy Birthday" to you

Lobster Rice

Our drinking Queen

Finally we've new friend, "Pheobe"
We should add more female friends in our future events

Hmm~ Wish eh? hehe =)

HOOO~~~~~~~~~(come on man, just one candle)