Saturday, January 29, 2005


What a nice little phone program! I just got it installed. I'm looking forward to test it :) I believed that I tested with Tony 1 year ago. Quite nice sound and connection! very well!


Hopefully I can talk with "OLD HEAD" soon :)


Friday, January 21, 2005

Top 10 Coldest Jokes

Top 10 Coldest Jokes

What do you guys think?! The #1 is really funny :)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

GT4 Games

AH~~~~~ I've to bring my PS2 to the store to check it, see if i can play Gt4 or not~ oh man~ That's not fair after all. I'm waitting for this game for so long!! Okie ppl~ that's it, i'm setting up a donation paypal account, please donate money to me. So I can buy a new ps2 to play GT4 game.

Come on people, don't be shy :p


Monday, January 03, 2005

Movie Name "Taiwan VS China"

兩岸電影譯名不同的還有在台灣票房嚇嚇叫的《不可能的任務》(Mission Impossible),大陸譯為《諜中諜》;聲勢浩大的《魔戒》,大陸則從原文直議為 "指環王"

兩岸分隔了五十多年,社會發展程度與思考方式的不同,翻譯上出現差異原本無可厚非,但往往卻因政治分歧而遭誇大渲染。早年「Top Gun」《捍衛戰士》,據傳大陸翻為《好大一把槍》,但其實是翻《壯志凌雲》;而近來網路上盛傳一則笑話,指大陸將「A Bug’s Life」《蟲蟲危機》翻譯為《無產階級貧下中農螞蟻革命史》、《海底總動員》翻成《海底都是魚》、「Catch me if you can」《神鬼交鋒》翻譯成《來抓我呀,如果你可以》,還註明要大家看了「別笑太大聲,以免影響兩岸關係」,

Happy New Year!!!! ~~~~

Happy New Year to everyone here! :)

Spent lot of time with my friends lately! Which is good thing. Finally I played WE game with Peter and Hank & Ben (who is missing? oh yeah..sucky Willy) I can tell you guys this! "I AM STILL THE BEST"
wa ha ha ha

Anyway, any new year wish?? let's hear it~~ Don't be shy!!! :)